Tuesday 3 February 2009

Wednesday 28th January 2009 & Friday 30th January 2009

My group and I started filming on Wednesday. We went to Finsbury park and did a few shots their. This is the scene where Samah sees her “dead” friend MyLinh. We did some long shots and a lot of over the shoulder shots from Samah’s perspective. On Wednesday the weather was rainy and it our shooting didn’t go according to plan, but we did manage to get quite a few good shots. We returned to Finsbury Park on Friday and we did a few more shots. After filming in Finsbury park we realised that we may not want to use the shots we shot at Finsbury park, however we have closed the option completely on whether to use the shots we took or not. Also in case we did use those shots we decided to wrap the ending of the thriller. This included filming with hand held camera work. I had to go around Samah, while she thinks that she keeps on hearing MyLinh whispering her name. we did not use the tripod as much because we saw that hand held camera was easier and provided a thrilling effect. Our next location to film will be at MyLinh’s house on Tuesday 3rd February.

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