Wednesday 4 February 2009

Lesson dated Wednesday February 4th 2009 mylinh's house

Lesson dated Wednesday February 4th 2009

Today we supposed to film at the graveyard but due to weather conditions we were unable to film there. Instead we filmed at MyLinh’s house; this is the first part of our thriller, when Samah is getting ready to leave the house. In this part of the thriller we are establishing the friendship between the two. Also in this scene to add an element of thriller, we also filmed Samah thinking that she saw MyLinh, this will make the audience wonder who that girl was and why was she being imagined. This will automatically raise questions for the audience and create a thrilling mood. I did a lot of close ups and over the shoulder shots. Also we have tried to film shots that may help when we will want to do match cutting for the final. Our next filming will be on Friday 6th February 2009 at Stoke Newington Graveyard.

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