Friday 27 February 2009

Wednesday 14 January 2009
In today's lesson we were given our brief for our practical 2 minutes film by our teacher Dan. When the information was finally given out, my fellow group mate and I went and planned out our ideas it.

Friday 16 January 2009
Within this lesson, we had a short period time of 3 hours to film an edit the practical task.
In this lesson I have found it very difficult, du to the short period of time and there was only two of us in the group as one of the member was ill at that day.

Wednesday 21 January and Friday 23 January 2009
For this two lesson we had to be focusing on planning our real "thriller" 2 minutes film, we had to start our planning; what is our story line? What shot are we going to use? And where would we film it?
On Friday lesson, we had roughly 10 minutes to go through our ideas and make any changes we wished to change. When this was done, we then had to do a quick "pitching" in front of the whole class, this is because we wanted feed back to our idea, so that we would then have a larger idea on what would make it good and how would we improve it.

Wednesday 28 January and Friday 30 January 2009
This is our first day of filming the 2 minutes beginning of our "thriller" film. We had chosen "Finsbury Park" as one of our mise en scene. The filming went very well and quick; we worked as a team and got everything that needed to be done within these two days.

Wednesday 4 February 2009
Due to the poor weather condition, we had to re-locate our filming to my house to film the beginning of the "thriller". It went really well than we thought it would be. We worked well as a team and didn't have any group argument.

Friday 6 February 2009
For today's filming we went to the graveyard; this is one of our mise en scene. However due to the poor, wet and slippery weather condition, we didn’t get any good shot for our "thriller". Due to this problem, my fellow group mate and I was a bit disappointed, we headed back to college and done some "log and capturing".

After all of our filming, my group sat down and discuss what we liked about it and what we don't like about the filming. In conclusion, we thought that it would be better if we should only have two “mise en scene”. Therefore; we had to re-plan our "thriller" and decided to keep the filming that we done at my house and film once more at the college as our new mise en scene to fit in with the new story line.
After all of the filming, we had to "log and capture" the clips and edited it using "Mac" computer. In this process, we found it very hard and difficult to do as we have never use the "Mac" computer to this extent, so it was a whole new experience for all of us.

Friday 27th February 2009
Today was a very stressful day for our group as we were behind from every one in the class. We had to arrange our clips into orders, add sound effect to it, title/credit to the film and add effect to it. We were worrying about not finishing it in time for the deadline at 3pm. However, we have got it together and worked as a group all the way through and managed to finish before the deadline. We were very happy and proud of yourself for finishing it on time.

Wednesday 25 February 2009

Editing prt1

Today me and my group have started to edit our film. We started off logging and capturing each part of the film and started to format it and place it in order.
As we did so, we realized that we were missing some footage and forgot to film specific parts of the film such as the front shot of me walking in the corridor.

So Rifath (Mylinh had a lesson) did a medium shot of me walking down the corridor- having just left the toilet.

We both decided to do another shot of me washing my face in the toilet. We did a medium close up shot of me washing my face and as I turned to look up at the mirror, Rifath panned the camera up as I looked up to the mirror.

While editing, we finished our logging and capturing we started to add the credits and we decided to call our film "Her Revenge".

Tuesday 24 February 2009

Today we filmed in college, where Samah will see the writing on the mirror and will get a phone call. She will then be kidnapped. We used a variety of angles and shots. We did a lot of longs shots of Samah walking into the toilet and then have a match cut of her being inside the toilet. We filmed mostly over the shoulder, showing Samah washing her face and looking up at the mirror to see the writing. We then filmed close up of Samah’s facial reaction. We used medium shots to do this. The next shots we did were of Samah walking through the corridor at a fast pace, from her point of view and also from over the shoulder. The next clip was of somebody grabbing samah and taking her away. He would want to end with a shot of her bag falling on the floor and then everything goes black.
We filmed at MyLinh’s house and had a slight change to the idea. During this filming we used a lot of over the shoulder shots and close up of Samah’s showing her scared expressions. We tried the idea of using MSN, where someone adds Samah (who she thinks is her dead friend MyLinh), that did not go to plan because it was difficult to portray that idea and show it on screen. We then decided to film Samah looking at images of both of them as friends and then she gets a phone call and her expression suddenly becomes of fright and scare. We used a lot of over the shoulder shots from a medium angle.

The next filming will be on Wednesday 11th March in college

Sunday 22 February 2009

Filming the Room Scene

We filmed the beginning scene of the film where my character gets mysterious calls from her 'dead' best friend.
We did a medium shot from behind my back where I am writing on my notepad as this is something a teenager would be doing.
As I picked up the phone, we moved the camera to do a close up of my face as we wanted the audience to focus on my shocked facial expression.
We also did a close shot of the computer screen where there is a picture of me and my friend this is emphasize how close my character was with her friend.

Tuesday 10 February 2009

Lesson dated Friday 6th February 2009, Stoke Newington

Lesson dated 6th February 2009

During this session, we decided to go and film at Stoke Newington graveyard. Due to the snowy weather not everything went to plan. However we managed to get a few shots. We filmed a lot of shots from Samah’s point of view. We also did a long shot of when Samah was walking into the grave yard and also used panning to create an eerie atmosphere.

next filming will be on wednesday 11th feb 2009

Friday 6 February 2009

Filming in the graveyard

Today, we have decided to use our 3 hours media lesson filming in the graveyard at Stoke Newington.
This was supposed to be the part where my character visits her dead friends' graveyard, but then starts to hear voices and turns round, thinking she's seeing her.

Rifath and Mylinh were the ones who were mainly doing the camerawork as I was portraying the character.
We used a long shot while I was walking to the grave to establish the setting also to show the audience that my character regularly visits this grave.
Mylinh did a panning shot from down to up as i was walking to the grave so the footsteps were shown to symbolize that the atmosphere was eerie.

Wednesday 4 February 2009

Lesson dated Wednesday February 4th 2009 mylinh's house

Lesson dated Wednesday February 4th 2009

Today we supposed to film at the graveyard but due to weather conditions we were unable to film there. Instead we filmed at MyLinh’s house; this is the first part of our thriller, when Samah is getting ready to leave the house. In this part of the thriller we are establishing the friendship between the two. Also in this scene to add an element of thriller, we also filmed Samah thinking that she saw MyLinh, this will make the audience wonder who that girl was and why was she being imagined. This will automatically raise questions for the audience and create a thrilling mood. I did a lot of close ups and over the shoulder shots. Also we have tried to film shots that may help when we will want to do match cutting for the final. Our next filming will be on Friday 6th February 2009 at Stoke Newington Graveyard.

Tuesday 3 February 2009

Unable to film

Due to bad weather conditions we were unable to film on Tuesday at MyLinh's house; therefore we will be filming at her house next week Tuesday. For tomorrows shooting we will be filming in Stoke Newington graveyard, that is if the weather allows us to film there.

Wednesday 28th January 2009 & Friday 30th January 2009

My group and I started filming on Wednesday. We went to Finsbury park and did a few shots their. This is the scene where Samah sees her “dead” friend MyLinh. We did some long shots and a lot of over the shoulder shots from Samah’s perspective. On Wednesday the weather was rainy and it our shooting didn’t go according to plan, but we did manage to get quite a few good shots. We returned to Finsbury Park on Friday and we did a few more shots. After filming in Finsbury park we realised that we may not want to use the shots we shot at Finsbury park, however we have closed the option completely on whether to use the shots we took or not. Also in case we did use those shots we decided to wrap the ending of the thriller. This included filming with hand held camera work. I had to go around Samah, while she thinks that she keeps on hearing MyLinh whispering her name. we did not use the tripod as much because we saw that hand held camera was easier and provided a thrilling effect. Our next location to film will be at MyLinh’s house on Tuesday 3rd February.

Monday 2 February 2009

Filming the park scene- Samah Ibtes

For the second time, me, Rifath and Mylinh went to the park scene to film me walking out of the graveyard where my character keeps seeing glances of her 'dead' friend.
The weather was cold and below freezing point which made it difficult for us to film our scene, hand held in which we managed to do so anyway.
We have finished now filming the park scene.