Sunday 1 March 2009

Final production

For the past week, my group have been stuck in the editing room adding the final touches to our thriller. After sacrificing our free periods, lunch and break times and also after school...we finally finished our thriller. Throughout the whole of this coursework, the most difficult part of it for me was the editing. It took some time to get use to the Mac computers as it is very different from normal PC’s. Throughout the week we had to log and capture all the clips that we made edited them down by making them shorter so that it would fit with the time limit of 2 minutes. We made a few match cuts and also added in effects which included: flash backs, black and white features and also having the clips dissolve into each other. After sorting out the clips and making sure that the order of the clips is correct we decided to create the credits to go with the thriller. We used live type to type up all the credits and live type also allowed us to have added fonts and also effects onto the writing. The effects that I added to the credits created a spooky and chilling atmosphere. After adding all the credits to the main sequence, we had to make the sound. We used soundtrack pro to cerate the music. We combined three different tracks and created out own music. Making the pitch higher when needed to and lowering the pitch need required. Friday was our deadline and we managed to finish our thriller on time! Overall my group and I were very proud of the final production and we believe that we have successfully created a good thriller opening.

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