Friday 12 December 2008

Thriller Draft: newspaper

For today's lesson, we were given the task to create a 1 min thriller with the use of newspaper. My group, Me, Rifath and Mylinh decided to have me and Mylinh play the characters. The story line was that I would enter the college, reading a newspaper, sitting beside the window. I see an article of a missing girl (played by Mylinh) and I see the girl standing outside the bus stop looking straight at me. I then hear sudden noise and turn my head for a second but when I turn back, the girl is gone.

The camera work used was effective, the most successful shot was Over-the-shoulder shot of seeing the missing girl at the bus stop outside. There wasn't a shot that didn't work.

I learnt that the Mise-en-scene was really important as we needed to have the newspaper, myself and Mylinh in the same shot. Which was difficult.

We managed to create an element of surprise by having a over-the-shoulder shot of me looking at the newspaper but then noticing Mylinh at the bus stop all at the same time.

No, we managed to remember everything.

We used suspense as to when Mylinh 'disappeared'.

I enjoyed this piece but however I feel I could've done better with the costume and props etc

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